I watched Brene Brown’s “The Call to Courage” this weekend (on Netflix here!) and it resonated with me deeply on so many levels.
And it reminded me SO much of this food/body/weight journey.
Brene’s message was simple:
“I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.”
Being brave is hard.
It requires vulnerability. Courage. Persistence. An open-heart. Risk of exposure.
And on this path? Being brave is especially important.
We need to be brave in the face of “failure”. When we don’t make progress as fast as we want to. When we swore off bingeing but then can’t seem to stop.
We need to be brave to express an emotion (instead of turning to food). To wear clothes when we feel uncomfortable in our skin. To walk into a family reunion with our head held high when we know we’ve gained a ton of weight.
So much of this path can feel vulnerable, terrifying, and downright scary.
But that’s where bravery comes in.
Bravery is what nudges you outside your comfort zone.
It’s what allows you to shift out of old patterns.
It’s what keeps you going when you want to give up.
You ARE brave just by being on this path. By letting go of what society tells us is the “norm” (go diet to lose weight!). By throwing out the ideal body standards of the media and showing up as you. By deciding to return, again and again, to learning how to above all else, listen to YOUR body.
So when you get frustrated or hopeless, dig deep into that reserve of bravery. It’s there, deep within you.
I’ll be right along side you, trying to show up and be brave myself 🙂
Tune in to today’s podcast to find out: