Today’s topic was inspired by my own experience at a workshop last week. I had a first hand look at how we “apologize” for our bodies.

Whether you overtly say ‘sorry’ or you hide yourself or make a shameful comment, we’re diving into where you apologize for your body this week!

In this day and age (especially as women!), we are taught to apologize for EVERYTHING (I noticed I do it ALL the time!).

So how do you know where you apologize (or say “sorry” in some way for) your body? Check out today’s video because that’s exactly what we’re talking about 🙂

It’s time to stop hiding, stop apologizing for taking up space and show up as US in this world! (Stepping off my soapbox now 🙂 )

For more support around mindful eating, getting out of the diet cycle and body love, check out the Food Freedom Bundle!

This is something that NEEDS to be talked about! As women, we’ve learned to apologize for who we are at so many levels: our bodies, whether or not we have children, giving our opinion, making different life choices, etc.

I was so inspired after my story/experience in the video, so I hope this inspires you to begin to be aware of how you show up in this world…

Especially in regards to your body! You deserve to take up space as YOU, whether you are 100 pounds or 300 pounds. If nothing else, I hope you take that away this week 🙂