I’m smack dab in the middle of dealing with this myself, so I thought I’d do an episode on how to handle a situation where your spouse starts a diet.

Let’s say your significant other gets on a health kick and decides they want to diet.

They join Whole 30, cut out carbs, get back on Weight Watchers or do another food plan that’s “healthy” but disguised as a diet. 

Do you panic and want to join? Or see their “results” and get triggered?

How do you handle someone in your household dieting?

It can be extremely challenging to not get seduced by someone else’s “success” with a diet. The good ole diet mindset can be very subtle, so be sure to listen to in to get some helpful tips to stick to your path.

Download This Episode

That is exactly what I’m talking about in today’s podcast!

This episode is me talking from experience (as my significant other is doing a diet right now). I’m sharing my experience on what to do when this happens.

Tune in for some actionable takeaways and tips 🙂

As always, I’d love to hear from you! Have you ever struggled with someone you love having completely different eating habits than you? How have you dealt with it? Share in the comments below 🙂